открытие этого года: женитьба в прошлом году Квина
его жена Меган Джой, бывшая участница American Idol, певица соответственно, у нее много татуировок, она тоже из Юты и у нее есть сын, теперь их общий сын)
она красивая и суперпозитивная по-моему но что-то в ней настораживает. и писать в твиттер и тумблр она перестала сразу после выхода альбома O_o
хотела запостить побольше их фотографий совместных, но поняла, что их слиииишком много, поэтому все таки несколько.
честно говоря, читая ее вот эти слова я плачу, потому что рада за Квина и потому что, такое редко бывает, и мне грустно:
"When Quinn asked me to marry him it was the most beautiful, romantic, blissful night of my life. But my heart keeps pounding away because I know in one day even that perfect night is going to be topped. At first we were just going to get married in the woods in over-alls and bbq hotdogs, But then we were lead to one of the most gorgeous places on the planet. Its been pretty crazy planning our special day/night during both of our albums wrapping up plus a bunch of other things going on. We are all exhausted but I wouldnt change it for the world. Mainly I cant wait to walk down the isle with my incredible son and stand him between me and the best man I have ever known THEN promise to be the best parents we can be. Love each other as hard as we can through the hardest moments we’ll have. Take in the easy moments. Teach him any chance we can. And above all let him be exactly who he is, no expectations. I cant imagine a better father or husband than Quinn. There has to be a couple out there maybe as good as he is but theres no such thing as better. He fell into our lives a year ago and has been the best friend, partner, dad, man…..human I have ever known. I dont know where we would be without him and I can barely remember life before him. I only hope I can be everything he has ever needed and wanted until the end of time. He deserves permanent extreme levels of happiness. He took my son on as his own and loves him deeply. It takes my breath away to watch them together each day. If I can find my soulmate, which I never thought could be possible, anyone can. Every shred of hope I have ever had for the world is back. Thank you sweet baby boy. Thank you sweet strong man. let us wed……. "
надеюсь, она действительно хороший и искренний человек, и Квин с ней будет очень счастлив)
а если они действительно соулмэйты, то черт побери, им очень повезло и я за них рада.
а познакомились они вот как:
"A side note that also changes everything is that I found my soulmate We were introduced by a producer. He suggested we write together since we both live in Utah. We met at a park last August to write a song but instead couldn’t stop talking. Instantly best friends which quickly turned into instantly in love. We have been inseparable ever since. He is the most brilliant, kind, intelligent, loving, caring, funny, fun BEST man in every way I have ever known. He is super successful in music and has been for around 10 years. His knowledge has helped me more than any person every did out in the LA mess. I am so so blessed to have him by my side and my music will thrive more than ever because of his influence. Coming up soon we are going to start a new project together and it will be wonderful. Stay tuned for that."
для себя.
| воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012